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Pentazyme ENZ 1000

Enzyme Detergent ENZ 1000 is a blend of Five enzymes that are effective in the removal of proteins, blood, fatty tissue, etc.. from all medical instruments, equipment, and supplies.

  • Multiple enzymes work within minutes to break down soils.
  • Can be used in manual, ultrasonic, and automatic washers.
It is recommended for
  • Surgical instruments
  • Endoscopes
  • Respiratory therapy equipment and glassware
  • Remove stains in surgical scrubs, linens, and medical clothing
  • Removes film and stains from metal surfaces.
  • Low foaming
  • pH Neutral
  • Biodegradable
  • Nonflammable
ENZYMED LM1000 ( Foamimg )

Enzymes LM is a foaming multi enzyme detergent presoak cleaner for medical instruments and apparatuses. It is a blend of enzymes that are effective in the removal of all protein, blood, fatty issues, etc. from all medical instruments and supplies.

  • PH neutral
  • Bio degradable
  • Non flammable
  • Non toxic
  • Non caustic
  • Quick and thorough cleaning in manual, ultrasonic and automatic cleaning applications
  • PH neutral so instrument and equipment’s safe.
  • Multi-enzyme formula effectively work within a minute to disintegrate and carry away organic soils
Rust and Stain Remover RSR 1000

RSR 1000 is a concentrated solution used to remove stain and films from metal instruments and hard surfaces. It can be used to decaling autoclaves and other washing equipment. Restores instrument shine.

  • Safe on stainless steel to tungsten - carbide instruments.
  • Remove rust stains on metal, fiberglass, and painted surface.
  • Remove detergent residue, rust and water spots from surgical instruments.
  • Can be used manually in ultrasonic washers.
  • Great for cleaning corrosion stains caused by metal hardware, nuts, bolts, hingers, sharp edges and metal surfaces.
  • Removes film and stains from metal surfaces.
Soaking Direction :
  • Add one part of concentrate to ten (10) parts water.
  • Soak for 15 minutes or until metal surface is clean. Periodic agitation will help speed up the process.
  • Remove parts and allow to dry. No need to rinse.
Brush Directions:
  • Add one part of concentrate to ten (10) parts water.
  • Apply liberally to the metal surface, brush, and let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Brush again and allow to dry - No need to rinse
LUB 1000

LUB 1000 is a concentrated lubricant for manual and automated instrument processing.

For manual application or for use in automatic washers
  • Extends instrument life by reducing rusting, discoloration and corrosion.
  • Creates protective coating to increase instrument life and keeps parts lubricated.
  • Contains a wide range of antimicrobial bacteriostatic ingredients to inhibit growth of bacteria, yeasts and fungi in the immersion bath.
  • Helps scissors stay sharp with routine use.
  • Ensure proper operation of hinges and joints with routine use.
  • Lubricates moving parts and frees up box locks
  • Safe to use on all types of metals.
  • Water washable and steam permeable
  • Used for immersion applications and injection in automatic washer/decontaminators
  • Available Sizes : o4x
Alkaline Detergent D60
  • Low-foaming detergent for cleaning medical instruments, equipment, rubber, metal and plastic items
  • Effectively removes blood and other bio burden.
  • Can be used manually in ultrasonic units or automatic washers.
  • Buffer system that maintains a high pH level for effective cleaning
  • Contains rust inhibitors to keep instruments from tarnishing or corroding
  • Detergent polymer stops bio burden from re depositing on instruments
  • Concentrated and Economical – 1/8th to 1 oz. per gallon of water required
  • pH 12.1-12.9
  • Biodegradable